
just 01-15

Its been so long since I've written something just for the sake of it, today I feel I need to. It wasn’t the best of days, no energy, nothing to do, plans getting cancelled… then things went worse. And what I get from life, as always, is that every single person is alone. At least in some part of its day. I'm alone the majority of the time, even though I'm surrounded by people, cause most of the time they don’t seem to understand the full context of what I'm saying (or maybe I'm just saying it the wrong way). And I like to be alone, but at some point I think it'll drive me mad. Thoughts go from here to there, they curl up and straight to the stratosphere. Then they shatter into pieces like your skull going through a windshield.

Then, act like nothing has happened, act like life flows like an unstoppable river which no fort can hold. Then start your day again, and then another one, and another, another, …

Life suspended, life controlled, life paused, life in a box, like a pig in a cage on antibiotics…

Cut to: Electioneering